Our Fishes
At our farms, controlled water quality is crucial. Sourced with clean flowing and highly oxygenated river water, the cooler water ensures ideal temperature for fish breeding. Our experienced R&D team carries out stringent selection process to ensure that the fishes are harvested sustainably according to our stringent breeding guidelines. Besides, fishes are fed with high quality pallets which are rich in nutritions and free from animal fat.
The Red Pearl is a high quality, nutrient fish packed with immunity boosting Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, minerals, protein and essential amino acids. Omega-3 fatty acids oil is known to boost the growth and development in children. Vitamin B12 boosts energy production in our body through its role in cellular metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in the production of blood cells and proteins.
The Australian Jade Perch, native fish to Australia contains the highest natural levels of Omega-3 fish oil. The fish has extraordinary high natural levels of Omega-3 fatty oil in its flesh and carries stomach sacs of Omega-3 oil.
The Omega-3 oil levels in the Australian Jade Perch fish are 2.48 grams for every 100 grams of flesh. This is a factor of at least five times higher than the Omega-3 in plant oils and three times higher than the Omega-3 in the Atlantic salmon (0.843 grams per 100 grams of flesh).
The benefits are endless when it comes to consuming Omega-3 fatty acids as part of your diet. It provides your body the optimum health maintenance in both adults and children, and is a disease prevention.
Native to freshwater habitats in South East Asia, the “Jelawat” had long been synonymous as a royal dish in the early Sultanate era. Hence, it is also known as the Sultan Fish. Specially breed in our farms, our very own Malaysian Jelawat boasts an ornate silver-white colored body and is averagely larger than the rest of the South East Asian carps. It is a good protein source and high in Omega 3 fatty acids.
The Baung or simply known as the catfish is widely been caught and farmed for food for hundreds of years in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America. The Baung is a healthy source of protein that can replace red meat to help in lowering your intake of saturated fat. Add protein to your diet to encourage energy production so you do not feel sluggish and run down. The Baung fish is also an impressive source of Thiamin, Potassium, Selenium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12 and Phosphorus.
Haruan (Snakehead) or Sang Yi is native to Asia and Africa, and has been a favourite delicacy in Asia for centuries, primarily prized for its specific health benefits. The Haruan have good nutritional and medicinal value apart from being known for its exquisite tastiness and tender flesh. Apart from protein, it comprises of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and enzymes.
Many consumers had testified of the medicinal value of this fish when mixed with prescribed herbs significantly increase the levels of albumin in the body whichaccelerates the process of healing in post-operative patients.
Found in the rivers of Southeast Asia, the Lampam fish is a carp species, albeit a smaller version. The Lampam contains rich source of protein, vitamins and minerals. In Asia, the Lampam is loved for its delicious natural flavours.